Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cloud chamber / cosmic ray detector

A cloud chamber is a device that makes visible the paths of particles emitted as a result of radioactive decay. Pictured here is Wilson expansion type chamber. A very simplified version can easily be constructed. The trick is in finding a relatively safe radioactive sample. Some (not all) old luminous watch and clock hands will work, as will some luminous paints. Trial and error will determine which ones work. Surprisingly, some older glassware (true cobalt blue) and ceramics glazes are slightly radioactive. It is also rumored that a popular brand of mantles for gas camper's lanterns are slightly radioactive (a Thorium isotope). And a reader points out that some smoke detectors contain a small sample of radioactive americium (strip a broken one, not the good one, okay kids?) Americium is actually fairly dangerous to handle, so I don't recommend doing this unless you really know how to handle radioactive materials safely. At the very least you should wear rubber gloves when doing this.

Remember that radioactive samples should be handled carefully, and prolonged exposure to even low levels of radiation can be dangerous.

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