Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lightboxv3 at Blow Festival, New Zealand more images

And now with added reflectors...

Lightbox v3 at The Blow Festival is an installation that uses a large scale Camera Obscura (The Lightbox) It
uses imagery and sound from the Antarctic and video of the Aurora Australis (The Aurora that appears above Antarctica), these are projected and reflected onto the walls of the room in which the Lightbox sits.

By standing inside the Lightbox, people are surrounded by imagery that is inverted, refracted and combined through the use of multiple apertures. A star field of holes projects the Aurora in the pattern of constellations from the mid January Southern sky. Upon closer inspection each glowing pinpoint of light is, in fact, a tiny camera obscura showing the Antarctic scenes. As The Aurora Australis glows, clouds form and dissipate, the sun rises and sets and the moon races behind Mt Erebus. The Lightbox and the room it is in fluxes and moves with a thousand images of the Antarctic environment refracted,reflected and inverted.

Ghost in the machine

can you see the legs poking out the bottom of the Lightbox?

Anna looking at all the pretty lights and deciding that the 3rd wine wasn't such a good idea.

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